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From Collection to Cultivation

European Space Agency Sentinel 2A image of Brazilian farms from space. From ESA: "Here we can see a large, flat plateau blanked with fields benefiting from rich soils and an apparent abundance of water, before falling off into a green, hilly valley (left)

The October 2022 issue of leading environmental history journal Global Environment features an article by Collection to Cultivation postdoc Ryan Nehring and his colleagues Cassandio Brito Rocha and Sandro Dutra e Silvo, 'Soy Without Borders: The Transnational Dynamics of Commodity Frontiers In South America (1971–2019)'.

Together these experts explore the rapid growth of soybean production across five South American countries—Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay—and make a case for analyses that transcend borders in grappling with the causes and consequences of profound agricultural transformations.

Read more about the history of Soylandia in the article, and check out other articles by Ryan on agriculture in Brazil on our resources page.